Business Ethics
Midsona works to reduce its negative impact on the environment and change towards an environmentally sustainable society. Our climate impact in the direct control of our own operations is mostly related to freight transport and energy use.
We joined DLF's Transport Initiative in Sweden, for a common goal of 100 percent fossil-free transport. At Midsona, this goal must also apply to other parts of the group.
Midsona's energy supply is increasingly based on renewable energy and consists almost entirely of renewable electricity in all offices, warehouses, and production departments, where we have influence over the electricity contract.
Our environmental work is regulated, among other things, in the Code of Conduct, the Supplier Code of Conduct, the Sustainability Policy and underlying procedures.
With Midsona's work for a healthy and sustainable environment, we support the following global goals for sustainable development.
Midsona has been a participant in the UN Global Compact for several years, and we thereby support the UN Declaration on Human Rights, the UN Convention against Corruption, the ILO's fundamental conventions and the Rio Declaration.
It is of the highest priority for Midsona to respect human rights and labor law and to protect health, safety and the environment. We also expect our suppliers and other collaboration partners to have the same priorities.
Our work around human rights is regulated, among other things, in the Code of Conduct, Supplier Code of Conduct, Supplier Self Assessment and the Personnel Policy as well as underlying procedures.
With Midsona's work to improve people's health and work for human rights, we support the following global goals for sustainable development
With governing documents, Midsona creates the conditions for responsible and motivated employees with the best interests of customers and consumers in mind.
Ethics and countering corruption
Midsona must be run in a healthy and sustainable manner. We are keen to always act in line with our values and always counteract all kinds of corruption and irregularities. Midsona's employees are expected to act in an ethical manner in their relationship with the group's stakeholders and no corruption is accepted. Midsona's whistleblower service is for employees who have concerns about behavior that conflicts with the group's values and governing documents. Our whistleblower service is managed by an external party and is completely confidential. It is possible to report a case anonymously.
The group's internal regulations
Midsona has developed a structure for the group's internal regulations to ensure that we work with a formalized model for internal controls that is in line with our culture and ethical values. Each governing document has a responsible person who ensures that routines for training and follow-up of the content of the document are in place.
Code of Conduct
The most important governing document is the Code of Conduct and all employees are expected to know its content. It is included as a natural part of the introduction of newly employed personnel. The individual employee, the board and everyone else who acts in Midsona's name must act in a responsible manner, with integrity, responsibility, loyalty and respect for other people and for the environment. Midsona's Code of Conduct is available - in addition to Swedish and English - also in Danish, Finnish, Norwegian, German, French and Spanish.
The Code of Conduct is included in all new employees' induction programs and a separate reminder of the content is posted once a year on the intranet. It is also always available on the intranet home page.
Midsona's work to maintain an ethical way of working in all situations and to combat corruption is regulated in the Code of Conduct, the Corporate Governance policy, Policy for communication and IR as well as in the Whistleblower policy.
With Midsona's work to counter corruption and irregularities, we support one of the global goals for sustainable development.